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Monday, February 13, 2012

Being ugly…..

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-But Dad my teacher says beauty is all inside.
-That is something ugly people say………………..
~Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey can say that he is beautiful . A 6’2’’ tall , fair good looking guy who has fans all over the world and he deserves to make all those sarcasms and other funny things but what is it to be ugly , why being ugly effects our confidence or in some cases self esteem and what the heck do we care. Ohh before i start i can assure that the author is ugly so i am the part of ugly fraternity ant though i can not speak for others i can speak about myself. Yep now back to the topic of being ugly. There must be something which effects us as and we do recognise that good looking guys and gals usually pair up with each other. what is the funda…and can we live with ignoring the fact that we are not up to them. Who knows.??

Am I Ugly ?

Yeah you still do not know , that is pathetic as if you are smart enough to read a blog and know what a blog is then you should have known this long ago. Its ok, we can do something…err not much. Ok you know you are not alone in this regard fact there are many pages on internet which actually test your ugliness .Yes exactly.They give you ugly meter or questionnaire which would tell you if you are actually ugly or not but you need not do all that. We can start the world famous mirror test. You know about it, don’t you?. Well in case you do not then you may not be ugly or you can be dumb in addition to being ugly. Anyway it is very simple , you just have to stand before a mirror to know if you are ugly or not. Just be honest or modest.
The another thing you can do is photograph test. Try to click photos with  declared hunks or lovely faces around you, they are not hard to find and when you get the photos ,compare yourself with the hunks or the pretty faces and voila…you know it.
The third test is kind of difficult but could work . in case you have good friends has anyone came and said ‘man you are smoking hot..” or “phew babe you are sexy..” if not you are ugly but please make sure you cut out the opinions of the sarcastic morons who would praise you for their sadistic pleasure. and yes if you have been called “cute” ..that does not count. Cute must be the English language’s most ambiguous word . It means nothing any one can say any one cute. If I make a list of most ambiguous words , cute would be in the top( I have not made the list so please do no not ask for other words). Last but not the least, what your mom says does not counts….maa ka toh dil hi aisa hota hota hai……

Confess Ugly

Yes sir/madam. Stand before the mirror and say “i am ugly”. you have to accept it. Its no big deal, say you were born as blind . What would you do ?. Fight the world and say you can see?. No, just believe in being ugly. Of course its not as bad as being blind …wait the diplomatic idiots around us would ask me to refer to blind as visually challenged , right? > Then what would they call us ie ugly guys : visually challenging. Being ugly is not something to be proud of but yes it is not something that we should be ashamed of , We make the good looking people look good . Remember the Einstein’s theory of relativity ..the world works on the same and we also drive the beauty and cosmetics industry. So be light and take it easy.
And if you think you are beautiful inside. Grow up. Ever seen gorgeous pancreas or mesmerizing kidneys, if no then you are not beautiful inside and even if you are then i guess it matters to you only. So take it as they bring it. You, like me are ugly. 
There are some guys who think being funny or something like that would compensate or make their ugliness look lesser or something <buzzer> .wrong answer.if that had been truth, Raju Shrivastava and Sudesh Lahiri would have topped the nation’s most desirable men’s list every year. Well, in case you are filthy rich i guess you can save yourself from this confession.
finally if you have passed the test and you know you are ugly. say it re.

OK, I am Ugly. What now?

Nothing.Yes, nothing. That is the point. Start to take it as part of you and you will do fine . if you are obese and it is hurting your health then try to get some movement out of your body and get some shape( i agree that circle is a shape but it is not the most healthy one) or if you are skinny go eat enough, hit a gym or something and get some flesh on your bones. The point is , your motive should be to get better health not better looks that not to impress people. See you may have people or what is popularly noted as special someone who may reject you or just do not look at you in “that” way…..tum acche dost ho par tumhe uss nazar se kabhi dekha nahi……say buzz off to them . You do not actually need such people who may come back to you if you are good looking> these good looking people are the ones who would send wrinkled faces of their parents out of their home or threw their own children into well if they are born with a handicap. Was i a bit too harsh ?. I am not going to be polite.
There are very few people who are going to cry when you die( if your name is not Rajnikant) and i can assure you no matter who the person is , a corpse does not look beautiful not even that bloody ambiguous cute. so what is the point of trying to change for them. my friend once bought a new touch screen phone and would flaunt it at every possible opportunity and he would get the required attention, which he liked. One day while he was doing the same another guy took out his iPhone and suddenly the attention went to him. Welcome world. Beauty just like an ornament is temporary and relative and our self-esteem is too big a price for that.

Be A Good Ugly

To be really honest the beautiful people are usually well mannered , good at heart and much humble people. Yes we often get a snob or two but in general these good looking freaks are better behaving lots too. I hate generalisations but this is experience speaking.I guess the reason is history, yeah really. The fairy tales tell the bad guy , the devil to be ugly and old and cruel and whatever and the hero is not only the prince but prince charming. No wonder my favourite animated character is Shrek. The mythology also has shown the Gods, the demigods and even good believers as good looking ad the bad devils or the asurs have been ugly creatures. If that was not enough we have cinema. We see a short , filthy, illiterate and ugly Gabbar Singh to compete against the Greek God Dharmendra and get the beautiful girl Hema.
But it has to change , now even hindi cinema has started to show some very good looking villians which is an acceptance that looks has nothing to do with your inner self. We have to behave better in a more courteous manner. Have you seen people talk in a more polite manner to people who look better . The reason is that they expect similar treatment back and we ugly guys can do this. It is very easy mile more listen more be good and they would like you . Being rude is not a gift that ugliness brought you , we bought it to ourselves. Time to change and time to spread the love.

The Ugly Advantage

Yes we have some advantage. The beauty as i said before is relative , people who own it know that there would be someone more beautiful than them. Remember the famous line of wife cheated by her husband ..”is she pretty?” . Good looking people use their look as a shield of confidence but yet that is their weakness .As soon as someone better comes up, a more taller , more fairer , more stronger guy they go in back foot. There is our advantage no body cares to compare ugliness and we are not proud of it too. How odd does it sound " am more ugly than him/her…" . So it is not there. Relax , we do not worry about our non existent looks and hence we should not be insecure about it either. Whatever we want to achieve in our life , we do it by our work and what we could not that is because of our mistake.No body is going to blame it on God( if he/she exists). the advantage is we have only ourselves to put the blame on. hell yeahhhh………

The Ugly, Fugly and the relationshit relationship

Well well well, the commonest ugly guy issue, the girl. I was watching discovery channel( yes the author does uses the digital media to watch stuff which are not exactly porn ) and it was showing how animals decide their partner. The males among them fight with each other to flaunt or showcase their might, try to access the maximum territory and bully the smaller males. Just the show offs. The females would be mute spectator and as soon as they see the most available strongest match , she goes for him. They mate and they live happily ever after. Wish the humans lived as same as this? . We actually do, just ignoring the happily ever after part.

Women would go for the best match , if you are not one she would not take you. No matter how successful or failure a person is , his life cycle works as simple as the animals. So in case the pretty girl you liked did not like you. Avoid . You will have some ugly girl who is waiting for her prince ugly( you ). Remember if you are ugly then the beautiful girl or guy is fugly and in case you pair the relation would be shit. The good looking partner would live in some sort of superiority and the ugly one in an inferiority. There are always some exceptions but you know equals make a better pair.

if that does not help listen to this

"Remember how in that communion only, beholding beauty with the eye of the mind, he will be enabled to bring forth, not images of beauty, but realities , and bringing forth and nourishing true virtue to become the friend of God and be immortal, if mortal man may."


  1. cool, it is.... :)

  2. thanx..i appreciate the comment

  3. dude hw can u say some1 is beautiful/handsome while oder is ugly?

    1. hey..thanx for the comment

      well its easy you have to see him/her. Please just do not kill by the diplomatic thing . We know if you or the person concerned is ugly or not .No matter how we behave he beauty and ugliness has nothing to do with it. I can say and so can you that a person is beautiful or ugly . Very Easily.

      cheers :)

    2. well after reading all your stuff i really like it why dont you post it in fb ??

    3. Thank you so much . If i do that will you read it there ?

  4. Replies
    1. lisa my friend , you made my day.

      Thank you for the comment :)

  5. awwww!!!!! seems sum1 is having KICH KHICH again ( sum1 is not me, so mind it)........ :P

  6. haha...i think i knw dis ahem ahem..hi My woRlD :)
    hey nitin..waiting for ur nxt blog...jaldi likh yar..
